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[백준]1238.파티 본문
package boj;
import java.util.*;
public class p1238 {
static int N, M, X;
static List<Node>[] go, back; // 단방향이라 가는거 오는거 2개로
static int[] distSum;
static boolean[] visit;
static PriorityQueue<Node> priorityQueue;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine());
N = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); // 학생수(마을수)
M = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); // 도로수
X = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); // 목적지
go = new ArrayList[N + 1];
back = new ArrayList[N + 1];
for (int i = 1; i < N + 1; i++) {
go[i] = new ArrayList<Node>();
back[i] = new ArrayList<Node>();
for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine());
int from = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
int to = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
int cost = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
go[from].add(new Node(to, cost));
back[to].add(new Node(from, cost));
distSum = new int[N + 1]; // 각 학생마다 왕복거리 저장
for (int i = 1; i < N + 1; i++) {
dijkstra(i); // 갔다가
dijkstra_back(i); // 돌아온다
int min = distSum[N];
static void dijkstra(int start) {
priorityQueue = new PriorityQueue<>((o1, o2) -> o1.cost - o2.cost);
int[] dist = new int[N + 1];
Arrays.fill(dist, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
visit = new boolean[N + 1];
priorityQueue.add(new Node(start, 0));
dist[start] = 0;
while (!priorityQueue.isEmpty()) {
Node cur = priorityQueue.poll();
int from = cur.vertex;
if (visit[from]) continue;
visit[from] = true;
for (Node nextNode : go[from]) {
int to = nextNode.vertex;
if (dist[to] > dist[from] + nextNode.cost) {
dist[to] = dist[from] + nextNode.cost;
priorityQueue.add(new Node(to, dist[to]));
distSum[start] += dist[X];
// start는 탐색중인 학생번호
// distSum[start] = start학생의 X까지의 최단거리
// 이번엔 돌아가는 최단거리 계산(단방향이라 갈때 올때 길이 다르다)
static void dijkstra_back(int start) {
priorityQueue = new PriorityQueue<>((o1, o2) -> o1.cost - o2.cost);
int[] dist = new int[N + 1];
Arrays.fill(dist, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
visit = new boolean[N + 1];
priorityQueue.add(new Node(start, 0));
dist[start] = 0;
while (!priorityQueue.isEmpty()) {
Node cur = priorityQueue.poll();
int from = cur.vertex;
if (visit[from]) continue;
visit[from] = true;
for (Node nextNode : back[from]) {
int to = nextNode.vertex;
if (dist[to] > dist[from] + nextNode.cost) {
dist[to] = dist[from] + nextNode.cost;
priorityQueue.add(new Node(to, dist[to]));
distSum[start] += dist[X];
// start는 탐색중인 학생번호
// distSum[start] = start학생의 X까지의 최단거리
// 왕복이니 한번 더 더해준다
static class Node {
int vertex, cost;
public Node(int vertex, int cost) {
this.vertex = vertex;
this.cost = cost;
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