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[스프링 기반 REST API 개발] Request/Response 필드와 헤더 문서화하기 본문
API 문서 만들기
- 요청 본문 문서화: request-body
- 응답 본문 문서화: response-body
- 링크 문서화: links
- self
- query-events
- update-event
- profile 링크 추가
- 요청 헤더 문서화: requestHeaders
- 요청 필드 문서화: requestFields
- 응답 헤더 문서화: responseHeaders
- 응답 필드 문서화: responseFields
links : linkWithResl()
~Headers : headerWithName
~Fields : fieldWithPath
@DisplayName("정상적으로 이벤트를 생성하는 테스트")
void createEvent() throws Exception {
EventDto eventDto = EventDto.builder()
.description("REST API dev with Spring")
.beginEnrollmentDateTime(LocalDateTime.of(2020, 12, 25, 12, 12))
.closeEnrollmentDateTime(LocalDateTime.of(2020, 12, 26, 12, 12))
.beginEventDateTime(LocalDateTime.of(2020, 12, 27, 12, 12))
.endEventDateTime(LocalDateTime.of(2020, 12, 28, 12, 12))
.location("D2 Factory")
.header(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, getBearerToken(true))
.andExpect(header().string(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, MediaTypes.HAL_JSON_VALUE))
// 링크 문서화
linkWithRel("self").description("link to self"),
linkWithRel("query-events").description("link to query events"),
linkWithRel("update-event").description("link to update an existing event"),
linkWithRel("profile").description("link to profile")
// 요청 헤더
headerWithName(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT).description("Accept header"),
headerWithName(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE).description("Content type header")
// 요청 필드
fieldWithPath("name").description("name of new event"),
fieldWithPath("description").description("description of new event"),
fieldWithPath("beginEnrollmentDateTime").description("beginEnrollmentDateTime of new event"),
fieldWithPath("closeEnrollmentDateTime").description("closeEnrollmentDateTime of new event"),
fieldWithPath("beginEventDateTime").description("beginEventDateTime of new event"),
fieldWithPath("endEventDateTime").description("endEventDateTime of new event"),
fieldWithPath("basePrice").description("basePrice of new event"),
fieldWithPath("maxPrice").description("maxPrice of new event"),
fieldWithPath("limitOfEnrollment").description("limitOfEnrollment of new event"),
fieldWithPath("location").description("location of new event")
// 응답 헤더
headerWithName(HttpHeaders.LOCATION).description("Location header"),
headerWithName(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE).description("Content type")
// 응답 필드
fieldWithPath("id").description("id of new event"),
fieldWithPath("name").description("name of new event"),
fieldWithPath("description").description("description of new event"),
fieldWithPath("beginEnrollmentDateTime").description("beginEnrollmentDateTime of new event"),
fieldWithPath("closeEnrollmentDateTime").description("closeEnrollmentDateTime of new event"),
fieldWithPath("beginEventDateTime").description("beginEventDateTime of new event"),
fieldWithPath("endEventDateTime").description("endEventDateTime of new event"),
fieldWithPath("basePrice").description("basePrice of new event"),
fieldWithPath("maxPrice").description("maxPrice of new event"),
fieldWithPath("limitOfEnrollment").description("limitOfEnrollment of new event"),
fieldWithPath("location").description("location of new event"),
fieldWithPath("free").description("it tells is this event if free or not"),
fieldWithPath("offline").description("it tells is this event is offline event or not"),
fieldWithPath("eventStatus").description("event status"),
fieldWithPath("_links.self.href").description("link to self"),
fieldWithPath("_links.query-events.href").description("link to query events"),
fieldWithPath("_links.update-event.href").description("link to update an existing event"),
fieldWithPath("_links.profile.href").description("link to profile")
target/generated-snippets 위치에 doc-name 에 맞게 adoc이 생성된다.
Spring REST Doc는 문서화를 하지않은 필드가 있으면 강제하기 위해 테스트를 실패시킨다.
이를 relaxed~접두어가 붙은 method로 통과시킬 수 있지만 가급적 지양한다.
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